Yes, he really is a fucktard

Just in case anyone was harboring any secret suspicions that “Dr. Dino” might have said anything intelligent to earn his claimed honorific, I give you Kent Hovind’s Doctoral Dissertation. Do not take my word for how bad this thing is. Go read it. Now. I can wait.

I don’t know how to describe to you how stupid this thing reads. Not one footnote, lots of bad information, lots of assumptions, and it’s meant to be a dissertation?


Wherin Rick Warren shows his douchebaggery

As if there was any question.

C’mon Rick, show some balls like those other True Christians(tm), the Westboro Baptist Church.

They’re reading from the same Word of God you are, why aren’t you getting the exact same answers?

Oh yeah. Must be because it’s the Big Fucking Book of Multiple Choice.